Before you read this entri, it's good if you understand about terms below.
Semen is male sperm from ejaculate. Semen is a subtance that need for life of sperm. semen is taken out by glands from male genitalia, except chicken.
Artificial insemination become familliar today. Goal of artificial insemination is optimization amount of semen in males animal. As an illustration, a natural male ejaculation for a female animal, but with artificial inseminasion we can make a male ejaculation for tens of females.It's advantageous, so you can image on your mind, there's a male superior, with artificial insemination, we can make sperm of male superior to fertilize many females, so we have more possibility offspring of male superior. but artificial insemination depends on sperm straw, inseminator, and lust detection of female animal.
When a lot of superior quality produced by a singgle ejaculate from male superior, this will increase profit because of higher selling prices. but this need more concern for success of artificial insemination. the concern to sperm straw, inseminator, dan lust detection.
Semen is male sperm from ejaculate. Semen is a subtance that need for life of sperm. semen is taken out by glands from male genitalia, except chicken.
Artificial insemination become familliar today. Goal of artificial insemination is optimization amount of semen in males animal. As an illustration, a natural male ejaculation for a female animal, but with artificial inseminasion we can make a male ejaculation for tens of females.It's advantageous, so you can image on your mind, there's a male superior, with artificial insemination, we can make sperm of male superior to fertilize many females, so we have more possibility offspring of male superior. but artificial insemination depends on sperm straw, inseminator, and lust detection of female animal.
When a lot of superior quality produced by a singgle ejaculate from male superior, this will increase profit because of higher selling prices. but this need more concern for success of artificial insemination. the concern to sperm straw, inseminator, dan lust detection.